Oscillations Module Pendulum (py)

# Solve the pendulum using numerical approximation
# Copyright (c) 2008 David M. Harrison

# The next line is an internal revision control id:
# $Date: 2008/05/10 10:33:45 $, $Revision: 1.1 $

# Import the visual library
from visual import *

# The initial angle in radians.
theta = pi/2.0

# The initial angular velocity
omega = 0

# Set g and the length of the pendulum
g = 9.80
L = 1.00

# These  four lines control the size of the window of
# the animation and the scale. The details of these lines
# are not important for our purposes.
scene.autoscale = 0
scene.height = 600
scene.width = 600
scene.range = vector(2.0,2.0,2.0)

# Now we build the pendulum which we will animate.

# The support for the pendulum
support = cylinder( pos = (0, 0, -0.5), axis = (0,0,1), radius = 0.02)

# The "frame" construct groups two or more objects into a single one.
# Here we group the cylinder and the sphere into a single object
# which is the pendulum.
pendulum = frame()
cylinder(frame=pendulum, pos=(0,0,0), radius=0.01, length=1, color=color.cyan)
sphere(frame=pendulum, pos=(1,0,0), radius=0.1, color=color.red)

# Position the pendulum.
pendulum.pos = (0,0,0)

# Rotate the pendulum about the z axis. Note that VPython measures
# angles with respect to the x (horizontal) axis. We are measuring
# angles with respect to the vertical (-y axis) so we subtract
# pi/2.0 radians from the angle.
pendulum.rotate(axis = (0,0,1), angle = theta - pi/2.0)

# The time
t = 0.

# Below we will want to store the old value of the time.
# Set it the "impossible" value of -1 initially.
t_old = -1.

# The time step
dt = 0.0005

# The value "1" is equivalent to true. So this causes the while
# loop to run forever.
while 1:

    # Set the rate of the animation in frames per second

    # The angular acceleration, i.e. the second derivative of the
    # angle with respect to time.
    alpha = -(g/L) * sin(theta)

    # The new value of the angular velocity
    omega = omega + alpha * dt

    # The change in the angle of the pendulum
    d_theta = omega * dt

    # A rough and ready way to estimate the period of the oscillation.
    # It the angle is positive and adding d_theta to it will make
    # it negative, then it is going through the vertical
    # from right to left.
    if(theta > 0 and theta + d_theta < 0) :
        # If t_old is > 0, then this is not the first cycle of
        # the oscillation. The difference between t and t_old
        # is the period within the resolution of the time step dt
        # and rounding errors. Print the period.
        if(t_old > 0):
            print "Estimated Period =", t - t_old, "s"
        # Store the current value of the time in t_old
        t_old = t

    # Rotate the pendulum about the z axis by the change in the angle
    pendulum.rotate(axis = (0,0,1), angle = d_theta)

    # Update the value of the angle
    theta = theta + d_theta

    # Update the time
    t = t + dt