Also known as the Rayleigh experiment.
1) Fill the Plexiglas tank to 3/4 full of water. 2) Position projector lamp such that it is shining through the center of the water. 2) Add a very small amount of milk to the water. 3) Mix, turn on the projector and observe the Rayleigh effect.
(Solution glows a darker brown if too much milk has been added)
Older setup: 1. Add 21 grams of fixer to 6 liters of distilled water and mix thoroughly. 2. Add 4.5-5 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid to 100 ml of distilled water and stir thoroughly. 3. Shine a spot of light through the mixture in the tank and project it on to side screen. 4. 3-6 minutes turns red Note: tank will clear then become cloudy again. Method: 1. To start demonstration add 4ml of sulfuric acid to tank mixture and stir thoroughly. 2. As sulfur particles begin to form (after about 2 minutes) the scattered light turns a pale-blue. 3. Next the beam turns yellow to orange and finally to red after 3 minutes.