Setup: 1. Connect the trigger output from Pasco Scientific to Ext. trigger on Lan Scope. 2. Connect the ground output from Pasco Scientific to Ext. Ground on Lan Scope. 3. Connect channel 1 output from Pasco Scientific to 0.01 micro farad capacitor connected to positive channel Y1. 4. Connect channel 2 output from Pasco Scientific to 0.01 micro farad capacitor connected to positive channel X1. 5. Connect main ground from Pasco Scientific to Y1 negative. 6. On Lan Scope jumper X ground to Y1 ground. 7. Adjust the frequencies of the Pasco generator so that the gains and phases are approx. equal. 8. Adjust the C.R.O. gain control so that a round circle is formed.
Method: 1. Set X and Y to the same frequency (Channel #1a and #1a) 2. Observe the circular pattern produced by two waves of the same frequency 3. Keeping the Y input fixed at 1(a) move the x input to different frequency multiples. 4. Observe the change in the Lissajous figures
